A Happy Little Audio Mix: Painting With Sound

A Happy Little Audio Mix: Painting With Sound

Take note of these tips for your audio mix and the parallels engineering shares with the iconic Bob Ross and his “Joy of Painting” show. Just as Bob Ross inspired viewers to believe in their artistic abilities, audio engineers have the power to create masterpieces by skillfully blending sound elements. Embrace your inner artist and bring the same enthusiasm to your audio engineering ventures.

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Creativity vs Intentionality When Crafting Profound Worship Experiences

Creativity vs Intentionality When Crafting Profound Worship Experiences

A disjointed collection of “good ideas” can leave the congregation confused and disconnected from the intended message of the service. Let’s talk about some intentional church service planning principles to help us create services that leave a lasting impact, engage the congregation, and ultimately lead individuals closer to the heart of worship.

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